
Early Bird Subsidized Subscriptions – Best Price of the Season (SAVE $ 250.00 Only if you Buy Now) (Copy)


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Early Bird

Subsidized Subscriptions ! 

BUY NOW if you want to take advantage of this Very Limited Special Offer!

LIMITED Subsidized Subscriptions remain.

The Board of Commissioners and County Council have Banned ALL Burning in St Joseph County and have provided an affordable and quality alternative for county residents. Initial Burning Fines up to $ 1,000.00 for 1st offense.

The Board of Commissioners and County Council have subsidized subscription rates so that you can have an affordable and dependable service to collect your leaves this Fall. To encourage compliance with the Leaf Burn Ban, the County Council increased the fine structure for burning up to $1,000.00 per occurrence for first offenses.

Your Standard ReLeaf Program Subscription includes:  

  • Fall Program Passes   – Four passes beginning the 3rd Monday in October thru Dec 18th if you sign up before Program begins. Ten days required to route new subscribers and deliver markers. Late subscribers will miss initial passes due to late subscriptions and pay more for their subscriptions when they do sign up.

  • Spring Program Pass – Single Pass beginning 3rd Monday in May following the Fall Program

  • Early Bird Subscribers receive a total of Five (5) Passes weather permitting.     

All Standard Subscriptions include:   

  1. Advance Email & Text Alerts            –  Notify you of service schedule updates for Rounds 2-4
  2. Service notifications                         –  Service Delivery notification upon pass completion
  3. Proof of Service Verification            –  Date & Time Stamped Pictures/Field Inspectors/Historical volume by address by pas
  4. Contact Us                                          –  Subscribers can contact us by email and normally receive a reply within 1 hour
  5. Informative Website                         –  Answers for Anything & Everything regarding the program
  6. Municipal Quality Fleet                    –  Guaranteed Dependability when conditions turn inclement
  7. Over 100 years experience               –  Management Team/Crews have over 100 years of experience
  8. Live Subscriber Call Center              –  Subscribers receive a Hotline number that provides 24/7                                                                     Call Center access for Q&A’s


St. Joe County Leaf Program has the Largest Private Municipal

Leaf Vac Fleet Nationwide

St. Joe County Recycling is the ONLY Vac Fleet in Indiana & Michigan with Automated Vacs

Guaranteed Dependability

St Joe County has collected over 3,350,000 cubic yards of leaves !

****All passes are weather permitting and subscribers are guaranteed Spring collection if weather does not permit fall collection passes. See and read terms and conditions for details. ****

Program ends for Fall Season December 18th and restarts 3rd Monday in May weather permitting

Subscriptions are per resident address and sharing subscriptions is Prohibited. Subscription sharing is cause for immediate subscription termination without refund and permanent exclusion from future programs. All subscribers are required to participate in the Guaranteed Collection System aka Subscriber Identification Program. See for details.